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Southern Charm

Writer's picture: Tuananh Tuananh

June 16, 2016

Raleigh & Wake Forest, NC

Barely skimming the hands of time as we quickly shuffled into the terminal, just to our surprise was some familiar faces of fellow colleagues: Eugene, Elbert, Pete, and Lauren. Although it was my own initial encounter with these Caveliers, they were surely warm with their greetings and open with their friendship.

Touchdown. But it surely wasn't the end of our journey for tonight!  It was a short and wet drive to Wake Forest, the wipers of Little Rio and his churning little engine made us remember those short trips down US1 not too long ago along the Coconut Grove. We slumbered and woke to a busy morning for interviews and a a short visit to the local barber shop.  The shop classically lined with portraits of the Commander-in-Chief of days gone by, a Southern hipster dressed to impress greeted with an acknowledging smile and a gentile conversation to go with it. Buzz and snips, all a while the talks of His Airness and the modern rivalry of the Cavs and Warriors.  The Sleeping Easy was as familiar in these walks as they are just a few invisible borders away.

The highlight of our trip had not been the overwhelming growth of greenery, not the delicious southern BBQ with vinegar, nor the quintessential Southern charm, but it was rather the Mendi & Sangheet and the gorgeous Indian blend matrimony between Vibhu and his bride to be that made this short trip all so worthwhile. The henna with our names and a certain round logo was a perfect treat, the endless cultural buffets, the ethnic colors and dynamic people made it a treat for any Magnum.  Although the drama always entailed life's busy walk, like any other life changing event, this one truly exemplified the tribute for love versus faith, loyalty versus blood, and what is right versus wrong…no matter if you’re of acceptance or denial of this single communion, they must all agree that love was here and true love is always in the right.

The Washington & Duke Inn kept the romance alive, friends surrounding the bride with their hips bumping and grinding into the shadows of the dance floor. Light conversations to keep the tempo alive and we all soon fell into the slumber of the soft raindrops and smooth rolling grumble of the Southern skies above. Fall into dreams we go and we wish the pair a lifetime of happiness and eternal glee in this life and all those that will circumambulate through the test of time.

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